Is There Still a European Social Model?…


Mon, Apr 3rd from 6:00 – 8:00pm Politics & Society

The European Institute at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs,  has invited Professor Bernd Marin, an Austrian political scientist and one of Europe’s leading experts on welfare to give a talk on the European social model. The event was moderated by Victoria de Grazia, Moore Collegiate Professor of History and Acting Director of the European Institute. Irwin Garfinkel, Mitchell I. Ginsberg Professor of Contemporary Urban Problems and interim dean for the Columbia School of Social Work, served as discussant.
The event focussed on the impact of the financial crisis on social policies and welfare in Europe. Is the notion of a European social model still relevant today? Is the traditional model compatible with current high levels of unemployment? What has been the impact of austerity policies on women? What are the lessons learned from reform efforts? 

Flyer of the seminar here

scroll down for the video >


related event:

European Symposium / The Survival of the European Welfare State 31st March 2017

with Prof. Andrea Bubula (Economics, Moderator) and Saskia Sassen, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, and Chair, The Committee on Global Thought Columbia University. (photos above)

Brochure of the symposium here